etcd administration

Auteur: Fabrice JAMMES (LinkedIn).

Exercice 1: display Kubernetes and Openshift resources

  • Retrieve etcd pod name

    # Wait for etcd pod to be u
    kubectl  wait --timeout=240s --for=condition=Ready -n "openshift-etcd" pods -l "app=etcd,etcd=true,k8s-app=etcd"
    etcd_pod=$(kubectl get pods -n "openshift-etcd" -l "app=etcd,etcd=true,k8s-app=etcd" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

  • Launch etcdctl --help inside etcd pod

    # Display Kubernetes keys
    kubectl exec -t -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod" -- etcdctl --help

  • Use etcdctl get ... to display Kubernetes and Openshift keys

    # Display Kubernetes keys
    kubectl exec -t -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod" -- etcdctl get / --keys-only --prefix
    # Display OpenShift keys (CustomResources)
    kubectl exec -t -n "$ns" "$etcd_pod" --  \
        sh -c "echo \$ETCDCTL_CERT \$ETCDCTL_KEY \$ETCDCTL_CACERT && etcdctl get / --keys-only --prefix"

Exercice 2: perform an etcd backup and check its status

  • Perform etcd snapshot with etcdctl

    kubectl exec -t -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod" --  \
        sh -c "ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
        snapshot save /var/lib/etcd/etcd-snapshot.db"

  • Check the status of the snapshot with etcdctl (deprecated)

    kubectl exec -t -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod" --  \
        sh -c "ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
        -w fields snapshot status /var/lib/etcd/etcd-snapshot.db"

  • Check the status of the snapshot with etcdutl

    kubectl exec -t -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod" --  \
        sh -c "etcdutl \
        -w fields snapshot status /var/lib/etcd/etcd-snapshot.db"

  • The backup is inside the etcd pod, find a technique to retrieve it on a secure storage.

# Proposal #1
kubectl cp -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod":/var/lib/etcd/etcd-snapshot.db  ./etcd-snapshot.db

# Proposal #2: check the location of '/var/lib/etcd'
kubectl describe pod -n "openshift-etcd" "$etcd_pod"